April 30: Anne Lamott to speak at Women’s Auxiliary of Nexus Recovery Center Spring Luncheon
Featured photo: Anne Lamott
The Women’s Auxiliary of Nexus Recovery Center Kicked-Off Their Spring Luncheon at Interabang Books Announcing Bestselling Novelist and Essayist Anne Lamott Will Share Her Experiences
at the April 30, 2019 Luncheon
Carolyn and Rick Waghorne, Honorary Chairs
Chris Ozley, Luncheon Chair
The Women’s Auxiliary of Nexus Recovery Center kicked-off their Spring Luncheon at Interabang Books where it was announced that bestselling novelist and essayist Anne Lamott will share her experiences at the Women’s Auxiliary of Nexus Recovery Center’s Spring Luncheon on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Dallas.
Anne Lamott is the author of seven novels, several bestselling books of nonfiction, and several collections of autobiographical essays on faith. Her new book Almost Everything: Notes on Hope was published October 2018.

Carole Steele, Women’s Auxiliary president in January 2019, welcomed the crowd and thanked everyone for dropping in and especially thanked Interabang Books for hosting the evening’s event and Misty Smathers for organizing everything. She said the Spring Luncheon is always very special, that the auxiliary does something different every year, and we learn something from each speaker.

Seated: Carole Steele, Women’s Council President January 2019; Rebecca Crowell, Executive Director, Nexus Recovery Center.
Chris Ozley, luncheon chair, said Nexus Recovery Center provides dignity and respect to the clients and that it is a place where miracles happen. She said that Anne Lamott has walked the walk and tells the truth with compassion and forgiveness, all to a rousing round of applause. She also recognized honorary chairs Carolyn and Rick Waghorne, who were in the audience, giving them heartfelt gratitude for their encouragement and support.
Everyone is invited to attend this informative and inspiring luncheon which will also feature a book signing from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. prior to the luncheon beginning at 11:30.
Sponsorships and underwriting are available beginning at $3,000 for a table of 10. Individual tickets are $200 each. $1,000 includes two individual tickets and a client invitation. Find out more and secure your spots now at http://www.nexusrecovery.org/spring-luncheon
Membership in the Women’s Auxiliary is open to the public and everyone is invited to join the Women’s Auxiliary in its mission to support and promote the interests of Nexus Recovery Center, Inc. This mission is accomplished using the following methods: By building a strong and active membership; by stimulating public awareness; by helping in the financial support of Nexus’ services and projects.
Robin Bagwell, Alicia Peoples , Director of Development and Public Relations, Nexus Recovery Center Cai Glacken, Steve Saxon
Nexus Recovery Center in Dallas has a long history of providing individualized treatment for women and teen girls who suffer from addiction. Last year, 1,969 women and teen girls and 341 children were served. This integrated program has a continuum of care that includes prevention and intervention, detoxification, residential recovery treatment, early childhood and high school education onsite, afterschool and summer programs for school aged children, life and parenting skills training, outpatient care, and alumni programs. Rebecca Crowell is executive director of Nexus.
Members of the Auxiliary make the community a better place by putting in countless volunteer hours each year, planning and implementing special events to raise money for Nexus.

For more information, visit the web site http://www.nexusrecovery.org/spring-luncheon

Mission Statement: The mission of Nexus Recovery Center is to serve as a link to sobriety, independence, and dignity for low-income women and their families affected by addiction. We inspire hope, offer respect, and honor the unique differences of female addicts.
Statistics: In 2018, Nexus served 1,969 women and teen girls and 341 children, including 64 Nexus born babies.
In March 2018, Forbes reported that drug overdoses are the leading cause of death from injury in the United States and that women are more susceptible to become addicted to drugs as a result of gender-specific issues. The Hartford Courant reported that women face a higher risk for an opioid addiction and women have significant barriers to receiving treatment. Because addiction takes hold of women faster and results in increased negative physical effects, women generally come to treatment for addiction in worse shape than men.
Drug overdose deaths have outpaced motor vehicle accidents and gun homicides combined, killing Americans at a faster pace than the HIV epidemic did at its peak. The US consumes more opioid pain medication than any other country on Earth, and drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death in Americans under 50. These statistics have spurred multiple governmental entities to name this the defining epidemic of our generation.
Women-specific treatment is needed to accommodate gender-specific needs and barriers such as; child care, psychiatric problems, trauma induced by physical or mental abuse and increased inability to pay.
History: Established in 1971, by 1974, Nexus programs included therapy and life skills training and housed 17 women. In 1990 the facility relocated to a 12-acre campus in east Dallas to provide a wider array of services. The new space enabled Nexus to become a leader in treatment for women by allowing children to accompany their mothers into treatment. In 1991, Nexus expanded the adult women program to 40 beds. In 1993 because no treatment providers would accept pregnant or newly parenting teens Nexus began filling this service gap. In 1999, the Child Development Center was built to meet the needs of accompanying children. In 1997, Nexus opened a secondary site for outpatient services. In 2012 the adolescent program expanded to 30 beds.
Joint Commission accredited since 2006, a rare accomplishment in the non-profit sector due to the high standards required to earn and maintain. Nexus is committed to providing top-notch care for low-income women and their children.
Event photos by Dana Driensky.
(Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations, is honored to represent the Women’s Auxiliary of Nexus Recovery Center and Nexus Recovery Center.)