AWARE Affair CELEBRATE THE MOMENTS Unmask the Myths Reveal Party Hosted by Stephanie and Bennie Bray Sponsored by Comerica Bank
AWARE | Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease Since 1989
Featured photo: Bennie Bray, Host; Stephanie Bray, Host; Jolie Humphrey, President, AWARE; Kersten Rettig, Gala Chair; Clark Knippers, Gala Chair.*
AWARE president Jolie Humphrey and her husband Bart, along with hosts Stephanie and Bennie Bray, welcomed committee members and supporters of the AWARE Affair CELEBRATE THE MOMENTS UnMask the Myths gala to the Reveal Party, where exciting details about the upcoming gala were announced. AWARE has been dedicated to fighting Alzheimer’s disease since 1989. They provide funding and support to programs, projects, and research provided by nonprofit organizations that actively help all individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease in Dallas and the greater North Texas area.
Alice Farmer, Curt Farmer, Comerica Bank, sponsorDavid and Kim McDavid, Honorary Chairs Emeritus
Jolie began remarks by introducing the Brays and thanking them for their longtime support and generous hospitality in hosting the party. She also thanked Curt Farmer, representative from Comerica Bank for underwriting the party and announced the gala beneficiaries for 2019-2020, which are Baylor Healthcare System, Casa de Vida, Center for Brain Health Mosaic of Meaningful Messages, Center for Vital Longevity Optimizing Neuro-Cognitive Functions in Healthy Living, Dallas Museum of Art Meaningful Moments Program, For Love and Art, Jewish Family Service Older Adults Program, Juliette Fowler Communities, The Senior Source, Stomping Ground Comedy, Texas Winds Musical Outreach, University of Texas Southwestern Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Wilshire Baptist Church.
Mark and Karen Carney, Underwriting Co-Chair Janet and Jack Broyles, chair, AWARE Men
The Myrna D. Schlegel AWARE Scholarship Fund Grant Recipients for 2019-2020 are Lauren Benefield, Melissa George, Grace Penaranda and Alyssa Temple.
Gala chair Kersten Rettig began remarks by sharing that her husband and co-chair Clark Knippers’ mother had passed away from Alzheimer’s just a year ago. Clark’s heartfelt story of caregiving, recounting incidents of triumphs and struggles had everyone in the room stirred by his inspiring personal testimony. He expressed profound thanks to everyone for their support of AWARE.

And for the big reveal, these announcements were made: Honorary Chairs are Sally and Forrest Hoglund, Gail Plummer is the Amy Osler Spirit of Education Leadership Award honoree and Barbara Sypult is the Inaugural Founders Award honoree. Honorary Chairs Emeritus are Kim and David McDavid, Jr.; Ellen Terry with her daughter Amy Terry Kriegel and son, Todd Terry. Media sponsors are Downtown Business News and Senior Resource Guide.
Barbara Glass, President-Elect; Carol Stabler, Recording Secretary Craig Kennington, Cindy Marshall

Join us on Friday, April 3, 2020 for AWARE Affair CELEBRATE THE MOMENTS Unmask the Myths. The event begins with a cocktail reception and silent auction followed by a three-course dinner. Guests will also enjoy special feature presentations, a spirited live auction, and dancing with music spanning the decades. A fabulous and fun evening! Individual tickets begin at $500. Host couple tickets begin at $1,200. Sponsorships and underwriting begins at $5,000.
Contact Karen Carney, for underwriting and tickets. For more information on the gala, contact Phone is 214-454-5683. The Dallas Foundation, a 501(c)(3) publicly supported charity, is the fiscal sponsor of AWARE.
AWARE Mission: AWARE is dedicated to fighting Alzheimer’s disease by providing funding and support to programs, projects, and research provided by nonprofit organizations that actively help all individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease in Dallas and the greater North Texas area. For more information visit
About AWARE: The Dallas Foundation, a 501(c)(3) publicly supported charity, is the fiscal sponsor of AWARE. In partnership with the Foundation, AWARE conducts an annual grant application review process resulting in the selection of the most exemplary nonprofit organizations working on the front lines in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease in Dallas and the North Texas region. AWARE provides funding and support to these outstanding groups that offer services, programs, education, and resources to those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, their families and caregivers, and to organizations doing valuable research to find a prevention and cure. Since its founding in 1989, AWARE has donated over $13 million towards this cause.
* Photos by Dana Driensky
Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations, is honored to represent AWARE.