Canceled: April 16: Mad Hatter’s Tea
Dear Mad Hatters,
It is with great sadness that we have made the decision to cancel the 2020 Mad Hatter’s Tea, The Art of Chic. It has become apparent that it would be unwise to move forward with our beloved event this year as we know it. Due to the unique nature of our event and the uncertainty of the duration of the virus, we feel postponing is not a reasonable option. We are getting creative with those involved in discussing fun opportunities and recognition of those who are so generous.
This virus has ramifications larger than just one event. Many of you are involved in numerous nonprofits in Dallas and US. Nonprofits depend on dollars raised through special events as this. In addition, many businesses are affected by lost revenue in connection to these events. We are all in this together, and being good stewards is crucial to the economic future.
The Women’s Council is charged with the care and maintenance of A Woman’s Garden, and the dollars raised from our annual Mad Hatter’s Tea are needed to cover these costs. Over a million people per year enjoy The Dallas Arboretum and A Woman’s Garden. The enjoyment of viewing the colors and texture of the flowers, the serenity of the reflecting pool, and the beautiful sounds of nature. While directly this may not cure some fatal disease, it does give respite and peace to so many, some who may be struggling with a life issue. Or who simply want to escape and reflect.
Thank you so very much to those of you who have given so generously. I hope you will continue to be thoughtful in your giving. After this crisis passes, the gardens and events at The Dallas Arboretum will be needed even more as we continue to welcome people from all over the world. We want, more than ever to have a beautiful and pristine garden to embrace them.
So, stay tuned as we put our “Thinking Hat” on to bring something that will be entertaining and fun. A little artsy twist to our Mad Hatter’s Tea 2020 The Art of Chic!
With deep gratitude,
Patti Flowers,
Chair, Mad Hatter’s Tea 2020 The Art of Chic.
Venise Stuart,
President, Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

Photo taken at the Kick-Off at TOOTSIES by Dana Driensky.
(Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations, is honored to represent the Mad Hatter’s Tea.)