Oct. 26: Dallas Junior Forum Celebrates 40 Plus Years Of Service Imagine The Possibilities!
(Featured photo: Dallas Junior Forum President Julie Crowley and DJF Vice President of Development Bonnie Cameron.)*
Dallas Junior Forum will hold a fall luncheon and fundraiser on Tuesday, October 26 beginning at 10:30 a.m. at Northwood Club. Chaired by Michelle Mew, the luncheon will feature a raffle, silent auction, and guest panel featuring leaders from the non-profit agencies served by Dallas Junior Forum and moderated by former DJF President and Board Member Julie Sheridan.
“Last year, our event was forced to go virtual due to the pandemic,” said Mew. “This year, we are thrilled to bring our members, agency representatives, and supporters together for this great event.”
Agencies served by Dallas Junior Forum include Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, Hope’s Door New Beginning Center, Juliette Fowler Communities, The Ebby House, Network of Community Ministries, The Family Place, and Ronald McDonald House of Dallas.
“During the past 18 months of the pandemic, we recognized more than ever that support for our agencies remains critical as they face so many new challenges,” said DJF President Julie Crowley. “We are excited to celebrate our 40 plus years of service with our agency leaders as they share their vision for future collaboration.”
Dallas Junior Forum Vice President of Development Bonnie Cameron and her team have assembled a curated offering of auction and raffle items for the event, including shopping sprees, gift cards, dream trips to the Italian wine country and Mexico and Caribbean resorts, and entertainment packages, including tickets to the 2022 US Open Golf. Silent auction bidding will be held at both the October 26 event and online at the DJF website beginning October 20. Raffle tickets are currently available for purchase on the DJF website and include $1,000 in NorthPark Gold shopping, a year of NorthPark valet parking, and a private chef-prepared dinner party for 10 guests.
Tickets for the luncheon are $150 and sponsorships are available beginning at $500. To purchase event and raffle tickets please go to www.dallasjuniorforum.org. Proceeds from the event benefit the agencies served by Dallas Junior Forum.

DJF is a 100 percent non-profit volunteer organization. The Dallas chapter was formed in 1977 to create greater interest in civic, education, and philanthropic endeavors in the greater Dallas community through volunteer work focused on children, families, and the elderly. Since it began over 40 years ago, Dallas Junior Forum has donated hundreds of thousands of volunteer service hours to the charitable agencies it supports and has donated more than $1 Million in direct grants and non-grants to worthy non-profit organizations throughout the greater Dallas area.
*Photo provided by Dallas Junior Forum.
Dallas Junior Forum is a 501c (3) non-profit organization and has earned the 2020 Gold Seal of Transparency on GuideStar.
(This CharityLifestyles eBuzz contributed by Dallas Junior Forum.)