Memories Tribute: Singing for the Heroes of 9/11 at Ladder #19 in 2002
(Featured photo: Cross at New York/Ground Zero in 2002.)
Introduction by Sharon Adams. Article by Kathryn Adams.
The Highland Park United Methodist Church Youth Choir visited New York in the Summer of 2002. They sang in the United Nations Chapel, they visited FDNY Ladder # 54 and by request, performed an impromptu concert for FDNY Ladder # 19.
Summer 2002: Our daughter, Kathryn Adams, was on a New York City tour with her church youth choir, Highland Park United Methodist Church. When she came home, she wrote her story with her photographs pinned all up around her desk, scenes changing on her computer and tears rolling down her eyes, wearing her NY t-shirt, choir t-shirt hanging over her chair. I published the story and emailed friends to read it. Many have contacted me now, asking to see it again. Here it is. Thank you.

Quoting Kathryn Adams’ article “Face to Face with 9 /11”
“Walking up to Ground Zero, the line went almost around the church, with homemade memorials hanging on the construction boards.
“Once my group was about to go on the podium to overlook Ground Zero, we saw an enormous American flag with signatures covering it.
“Right then, I started tearing up. By the time we got to actually look over Ground Zero, everyone was crying.
“Trying to explain the feeling of being there is so hard. The whole time I was at a loss for words. To put it simply, it was the most amazing, saddest experience and helped me realize how lucky we are to be alive.
“After dinner that night, we were on our way to our hotel when we stopped by Fire Station Ladder #19 , just down the block. The firefighters came up to us and asked if our choir would sing for them.
“Without question, we split into sections and began singing “Be Not Afraid” and “America the Beautiful.

“The firefighters had no idea what it meant to all of us to have the privilege of singing to them.
“Thank you so much to all of the firefighters, policemen and everyone who gave and saved lives on 9/11. I will never forget the trip and Ground Zero. Not many people have seen the rubble and the firefighters in NYC. I am so grateful that I was there.”
“In FDNY #54 and in just about every police station and fire station in town, there is a memorial wall, pictured above in the right side of the photograph. Just outside of the choir’s hotel, was this statue, upper left, waiting to be taken to Ground Zero.”
*Photos Walt Marcum, HPUMC; Kathryn Adams.
(This CharityLifestyles eBuzz written by Sharon Adams and Kathryn Adams.)