Junior League Of Dallas Announces Pam Busbee as 2023 Sustainer of the Year
(Featured photo: Pamela Busbee. Rob Lowe.)*
Junior League of Dallas (JLD) is excited to reveal that the 2023 Sustainer of the Year is Pamela Busbee, current Sustainer Membership Co-chair.
“Over many years, Pam has used her JLD training and relationships to make our community better in immeasurable ways,” said JLD Sustainer President Monica Christopher. “She is a dedicated volunteer, community leader, and philanthropist who regularly rolls up her sleeves to get things done. We are so proud to call Pam a fellow Sustainer and are thrilled to be able to recognize her many contributions across the community as the 2023 Sustainer of the Year honoree.”
Pam has been a vital Member of the League for many years and was instrumental in making the JLD Ball a success by serving on the Special Sponsor Committee in 1986, 1987, and 1990. She uses the training and knowledge gained in the League to help numerous nonprofits and has quietly and steadfastly served her community in countless ways, always happy to be a supporter and never seeking a leadership position unless asked to do so. Using her many talents and abilities wherever she can, Pam looks to fulfill the missions represented in her numerous activities and involvements.
“Pam is the perfect example of what the League is all about. Whenever a nonprofit needs help or leadership with a project – Pam is there to see that the job is done and done right. Her thoughtful, insightful leadership comes from years of League experience, and she didn’t leave that behind when she became a Sustainer. She is a quiet hero, never expecting praise or recognition, Pam’s just happy to be of service,” said Margo Goodwin, JLD Sustainer and Centennial Co-chair.
With a true servant’s heart, Pam has an extensive list of community volunteer experience over several decades. Her current involvements include the Foundation for the Callier Center of Communication Disorders, West Dallas Community School Advisory Board, The Senior Source Board, St. Michaels and All Angels Alter Guild, Crystal Charity Ball, Dallas Woman’s Club, Marianne Scruggs Garden Club, and Dallas Knife and Fork.
“I am thrilled that Pam has been chosen to be the Sustainer of the Year of the Junior League of Dallas. She has served on numerous boards, notably serving as board chair for several of those boards. She has chaired nonprofit events and fundraisers for many organizations and does all of this with such a cheerful heart. She is a vibrant, warm and enthusiastic person who has contributed a great deal to the Dallas community,” said Christie Carter, JLD Sustainer and past President.
Pam will be recognized at the 2023 Milestones Luncheon on Friday, April 14, 2023, at the Omni Dallas Hotel, where award-winning actor and New York Times bestselling author Rob Lowe will be the featured speaker. Milestones Luncheon tickets are $250 each, and VIP tickets are $400 each. Sponsorships are available and start at $1,000. For underwriting information or to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.jldallas.org/milestones-luncheon/

The Junior League of Dallas cultivates leaders who collectively address the critical needs of the community. Founded in 1922, JLD is one of the largest Junior Leagues in the world, as well as the largest and oldest training organization for women in Dallas. Active members range in age from 22 to 49 with approximately 85% percent of women employed outside of the home. The JLD provides leadership opportunities to nearly 4,300 women each year through more than 17,000 cumulative hours of experiential and formal training. Uniquely member-run, JLD provides over 100,000 hours in volunteer service and approximately $1 million in funding to area nonprofits each year. For more information, please visit www.jldallas.org or Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
*Courtesy photos.
(This Philanthropy Lifestyles eBuzz post courtesy Junior League of Dallas.)