Preservation Park Cities New Member Kick Off Soirée
The nonprofit’s plans for the future were revealed, Including a new book and more
(Featured photo: Lindsay and Ben Doramus, hosts.)
Preservation Park Cities (PPC) New Member Soirée was generously hosted by Lindsey and Ben Doramus in their lovely home. New members over the past couple of years were invited to bring a guest and learn more about Preservation Park Cities, its mission and upcoming events.
Amy Beale, president of Preservation Park Cities, welcomed guests and thanked the Doramuses for opening their home and welcomed Lindsey as a new member of the board.

She gave an overview of events, including the Distinguished Speaker Luncheon chaired by Cory Bowen and Krista Porteous with Allie Beth Allman as honorary chair, Holiday Party at Park House in December, Spring 2024 Home Tour chaired by Meredith Ferrell and Courtney Petit, Car Show chaired by Jason Morski, PPC’s participation in the 2024 University Park Centennial April 6 through 13, 2024 with Alisa Sell as the Preservation Park Cities Centennial Representative heading up the Landmarking Committee that will gift plaques to University Park in honor of the Centennial, and educational meetings.

Reminding everyone about Al McClendon’s efforts gathering video histories and interviews about the Park Cities, Amy said they are available on the YouTube channel @PreservationParkCities including Ray Washburne, president and managing director of Highland Park Village; Larry Good, author of A House for Texas; Gerald Turner, president of Southern Methodist University and more.

Landmarking will be happening as PPC focuses on the Top 100 Homes with write-ups by Joan Clark, which will be part of a coffee table book soon. Larry Good and Craig Melde are the chairs of the Save the Top 100 committee and are instrumental in the research and writing of the fourth book. Amy reminded everyone about the PPC archives in the University Park Library and happening in May 2024, a special event celebration National Historic Preservation month.

Encouraging membership and everyone to bring in more friends to join, Amy invited everyone to become a part of this vital organization. Membership and more details can be found at

Over the past several years, PPC has expanded its commitment to education in the Park Cities. In 2011, the organization’s board voted to allocate funds from the Historic Home Tour, the Distinguished Speaker Luncheon, and the Classic & Antique Car Show to create an endowment with the Highland Park Education Foundation. PPC and its supporters have built the endowment in excess of $250,000. It provides the annual underwriting for the Distinguished Chair for History at Highland Park High School and scholarships for deserving HPHS graduating seniors interested in architecture or history, reflecting the organization’s passion for the significance of historic preservation.
The mission of Preservation Park Cities is to preserve and promote the history, architecture, aesthetics, and cultural traditions of the Park Cities. Proceeds of the Distinguished Speaker Luncheon, Historic Home Tour and the Classic and Antique Car Show are used to fund:
• Property Landmarking
• Stewardship of the PPC archives at the UP Library
• HPISD Architecture/History Student Scholarship Award
• The Park Cities House at Dallas Heritage Village
• The Distinguished Chair for History at HPHS
• The “Save the Top 100” campaign and publication of a new book
• The Historic Home Tour, Distinguished Speaker Luncheon and the Park Cities Car Show are the organization’s only fundraisers each year. The proceeds are allocated to help further our mission to preserve and promote the history, architecture, aesthetics, and cultural traditions of the Park Cities.
• The purpose of the annual Historic Home Tour is to showcase architecturally and historically significant homes of the Park Cities and illustrate how these homes have been restored or remodeled to serve the lifestyle needs of families today.
• The organization landmarks architecturally and historically significant homes in the Park Cities, some of which are on the Historic Home Tour.
• Members of the organization enjoy historic and preservation oriented educational programs.
*Photos by Thomas Garza
(Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations, is honored to represent Preservation Park Cities and post this Philanthropy Lifestyles Scene.)