Folds of Honor Celebrates North Texas as They Kicked-Off the 2024 Gala with Parties in Dallas and Fort Worth

Mark your calendars now for the annual gala on Saturday, November 9, 2024

(Featured photo: Mark Colby, Chair of the Fort Worth board; Charlotte Colby; Dyan Colby, Mike Colby, Honorary Chairs and hosts.)

In Fort Worth, Folds of Honor North Texas  kicked-off its 2024 gala with a lively and festive gathering graciously hosted by gala honorary chairs Dyan and Mike Colby, with a lively and festive gathering.          As guests entered, they were greeted with a stunning red, white and blue balloon arch of stars and stripes, which echoed the patriotic theme throughout the event. Everyone enjoyed tasty treats, including a build-to-order nachos, tacos and ceviche station by Mi Cocina and more as beer from sponsor Anheuser Busch and cocktails were served under the cooling shade of the estate’s back patio with guitarist Corey Breedlove strumming popular tunes in the background.

Kaleta Blaffer Johnson, William Connolly; Meredith Connally, Regional Impact Officer; Mary Scott, Regional Impact Officer

Mark Colby, chair of the Fort Worth board, welcomed the crowd sharing Folds of Honor’s mission, he said that last year’s gala raised over $3.1 million.  Meredith Connally and Mary Scott, both Regional Impact Officers with Folds of Honor, joined him as they presented the hosts with a customized golf bag, designed in red, white and blue leather with their last name and Folds of Honor emblazoned on the side.
Hannah Davis shared her story, saying that she and her younger brother have benefited from Folds of Honor scholarships. Her father was a US Army “triple tab,” meaning he served in Special Forces, Ranger and Airborne as a Black Hawk helicopter pilot. After his passing, Folds of Honor stepped in and worked with both she and her brother with scholarships so they could complete their educations. She said that Folds of Honor changes entire families and asked everyone to carry the mission in their hearts.

In closing, Mark encouraged everyone to join in the gala on Saturday, November 9, 2024 on the field at AT&T Stadium. The evening will bring together military families, veterans, scholarship recipients, first responders and members of the North Texas community in an event of celebration that includes dinner, an auction, live entertainment by Emerald City and fellowship. The money raised is used to provide educational scholarships to the nation’s most deserving families, the ones that sacrifice to protect our freedoms.
The next week in Dallas, kick-off party hosts Holly and Jim Trester generously opened their Preston Hollow home as Folds of Honor celebrating its board members, committee, supporters and sponsors.

As guests entered they were greeted with a stunning red, white and blue balloon arch of stars and stripes, which echoed the patriotic theme throughout the event. Everyone enjoyed tasty treats including grilled shrimp skewers, crostini with tenderloin, build your own tacos and more as beer from sponsor Anheuser Busch and cocktails were served under the cooling shade of the estate’s back patio with guitarist Corey Breedlove strumming popular tunes in the background.
Jim welcomed the crowd sharing his own story of growing up in the Air Force, Folds of Honor’s mission, and saying that last year’s gala raised over $3.1 million.  
Jennifer Stephens shared her story, saying that she is the widow of a fallen veteran and is a Corporate Impact Officer with Folds of Honor. Guests listened intently as she revealed her real-life experience, the struggles as she helped her late husband deal with his traumatic brain injury, PTSD and through Stage 4 cancer. He lost his battle with that disease in 2019. She said that Folds of Honor is a continual blessing as it supports mothers like her, the sole provider of a family of seven. She said Folds of Honor truly changes entire families and asked everyone to carry the mission in their hearts.
FOH board member Alexander Stephenson encouraged everyone to join in the gala on Saturday, November 9, 2024 on the field at AT&T Stadium.  He thanked the Host Committee, Meredith Connally and Mary Scott, both Regional Impact Officers with Folds of Honor, and especially recognized Sarah Duncan, a former scholarship recipient and Regional Impact Officer for many years, dedicating her life to this organization.        

Both events were evenings of energetic conversation in support of Folds of Honor and its mission to provide educational scholarships to the spouses and children of military members who have fallen or been disabled while serving in the United States Armed Forces and now, the Folds of Honor mission has expanded to incorporate America’s first responders, including police, fire-fighters, EMTs and paramedics.
Members of the Host Committee are Cindy and Fred Balda, LeeAnn and Josh Campbell, Kristen and Nick Cassavechia, Krystle and Chad Craycraft, Kristin and James Hallam, Meredith and Dan Rath, Sierra and John Rosener, Karen and Rick Schornack, Brittany and Aaron Sizemore, Sara and Connor Terry, Jessica Titko, Ashley and Lance Whitworth, Sara and Bill Woodall. Mike Beltz is president, Folds of Honor North Texas.

Ty Duncan, Sarah Duncan, Annie Jones, Travis Jones

Folds of Honor is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides educational scholarships to the spouses and children of military members who have fallen or been disabled while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Beginning in 2022, Folds of Honor expanded its mission to include first responders, including police, fire fighters, EMTs, and paramedics.
This move reflects its purpose to meet sacrifice with hope and show first responders and their families that they are not alone. There are nearly 2 million first responders in the United States who respond to approximately 240 million calls made each year. Every time they respond to one of these calls, they are putting their life on the line. In 2021 alone, 669 law enforcement officers and 135 fire-fighters perished while on duty in the U.S.
Appreciation for U.S. military service members and First Responders is the single most unifying position held by Americans. On this we agree: those who protect our freedom and our families deserve our unwavering support.
The Folds of Honor educational scholarships support private-school tuition or tutoring in grades K-12 as well as post-secondary tuition, tuition for college, technical or trade school and post-graduate work, including a master’s degree, doctorate, or professional program. Funds for a second bachelor’s degree or trade/technical program certification are also available.
Since its inception in 2007, Folds of Honor has awarded over 52,000 scholarships totaling more than $240 million in all 50 states. Among the students served, 41 percent are minorities. It is rated a four-star charity by Charity Navigator and Platinum on GuideStar, with 91 cents of every dollar donated going directly to scholarships.

Folds of Honor was founded as a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization in 2007 by Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney, a PGA Member and F-16 fighter pilot currently stationed at Eglin AFB Florida as a member of 301st Fighter Squadron and served three tours of duty in Iraq. As he returned home from his second tour of duty in Iraq on a domestic flight, the airline pilot announced they were carrying the remains of a fallen soldier, asking passengers to respectfully remain seated while the casket deboarded. He watched as the family of the deceased walked somberly alongside the flag-covered casket. Among them was the young son of the fallen Corporal. Seeing the other side of the war through the eyes of this fallen soldier’s child was life-altering. He decided he had to do something to pay tribute to American service members and their families, and thus, Folds of Honor was born.
For more information, to attend the gala or to donate in support of a Folds of Honor scholarship visit    

*Photos by Lisa Means

(Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations, is honored to represent Folds of Honor and post this Philanthropy Lifestyles Scene.)


Principal of Philanthropy Lifestyles (formerly, the award-winning eBuzzNewsletter and Adams Communications Public Relations, a boutique PR firm specializing in media and community relations for small businesses and nonprofit organizations. Sharon is also a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in Dallas Business Journal, Katy Trail Weekly, People Newspapers (Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People/North Dallas People), Preston Hollow Life magazine, The Park Cities News, White Rock Lake Weekly, numerous blogs and websites and more.