2016 KidneyTexas, Inc. The Runway Report Luncheon and Fashion Show check presentation to beneficiaries hosted by Bachendorf’s in Preston Center
Bachendorf’s in Preston Center hosted the check presentation to the beneficiaries of the KidneyTexas, Inc. luncheon and fashion show The Runway Report recently.
(Featured photo: Representing luncheon beneficiaries: Joyce Lee, Dr. Cole Edmondson and Shannon Fisher, Texas Health Resources Foundation; Angela Nash, Methodist Hospital Foundation; Dr. Craig Peters, Children’s Health/Children’s Medical Center; Anna Bland “AB” Aston, president, KidneyTexas, Inc.; Dr. Goran Klintmalm, Baylor Healthcare System Foundation; Kyra Barnett, Children’s Health/Children’s Medical Center; McKamy Tiner, luncheon chair; Marie Collins, Executive Director, National Kidney Foundation; Beth Dexter, Parkland Foundation; Kendra Karlock, KidneyTexas, Inc.*)
Everyone was in a celebratory mood as Anna Bland “A.B.” Aston, president, began the announcements and received a warm welcome as she thanked Lawrence Bock, host of this evening’s celebration and jewelry sponsor for the 2016 luncheon.
McKamy Tiner, luncheon chair, joined A.B. as they greeted members of the committee, beneficiary representatives and guests. They brought Beneficiary Committee members Kendra Karlock, Jeannie Nethery and Diane Shimer forward and thanked them for their hard work. Kendra began the check presentations as follows: Baylor Health Care System Foundation, $25,000, “A Longitudinal Study of Living Kidney Donors;” Children’s Medical Center Foundation, $10,000 towards the Pediatric Stone Center; National Kidney Foundation for Camp Reynal, $30,225 towards camper’s fees, counselors and medical personnel; Methodist Health System Foundation, $4,775 towards warming cabinets; Texas Health Resources Foundation, $25,200 for two hemodialysis machines and Parkland Health & Hospital Foundation, $98,500 towards the KidneyTexas, Inc. Hemodialysis Unit, a continuing commitment on behalf of KidneyTexas, Inc.
Andrea Alcorn, president-elect, presented A.B. a lovely crystal bowl in gratitude for her service as president. Amidst applause, A.B. expressed her heartfelt thanks to McKamy, presenting her a beautiful crystal angel. Cheers and singing of Happy Birthday filled the room as McKamy brought forward a huge birthday cake for A.B.’s birthday, which was that same day.
As a surprise, the evening concluded as Andrea brought next year’s luncheon chairs, Kendra Karlock, Christine Martin and Susan Russell . More news is coming soon for The Runway Report 2017!
Media Sponsors: Modern Luxury Dallas, Park Cities News/The Waters Family, MySweetCharity.com
KidneyTexas, Inc. is indeed a family affair, including membership categories for Men of KidneyTexas, Inc., Young Adults, Lifetime Benefactors and more. For membership details, visit the website at kidneytexas.org
Mission Statement: The purpose of KidneyTexas, Inc. is to provide funding to improve the methods of treatment, the search for a cure and prevention of kidney disease and other kindred or contributory diseases; and to develop more adequate provision for the care of persons suffering from such diseases.
Statistics: Debilitating kidney diseases impact approximately 20 million people in the United States today. Groups at high risk include African Americans, Hispanics, senior citizens and people with diabetes. In Texas, there are over 30,000 people on dialysis and 4,000 on a transplant list. The number of patients on dialysis is anticipated to double this decade.
History: Since 1999, the dedicated volunteers of KidneyTexas, Inc. have worked in tandem with our generous underwriters to raise $3.1 million for local efforts to improve the ability to diagnose and manage kidney disease.
Each fall KidneyTexas, Inc. hosts its Luncheon & Style Show in an effort to raise money for designated beneficiaries and awareness for a disease that affects millions of people each year. The success of this event depends heavily upon the contributions and dedication of our Dallas business and community leaders, and we’re asking for your support.
Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations, represents KidneyTexas, Inc.
*Photos by Dana Driensky.