The 22nd Annual Texas Trailblazer Luncheon and Patron Party Benefiting The Family Place was a Tremendous Success

(Featured photo: Lynn McBee, Kristen Sanger, Gretchen Carlson, Cindy Stager.)*

The Family Place kicked off its 22nd Annual Texas Trailblazer awards luncheon with an intimate Patron Party, hosted on the eve of the luncheon on Thursday, October 5, followed by the highly-anticipated luncheon featuring keynote speaker Gretchen Carlson on Friday, October 6. The luncheon honored Lynn McBee as the recipient of its annual Trailblazer Award, and featured a superstar lineup of event chairs including, co-Chairs Cindy Stager and Kristen Sanger, Underwriting Chairs Stephanie and Travis Hollman, Kristi Sherrill Hoyl, Carol Seay, and Lisa and Marvin Singleton.

On the evening of October 5, Amy Turner welcomed The Family Place’s most charitable supporters to her stunning home nestled in the beautiful Highland Park neighborhood. Guests mingled while sipping on wine, and enjoying delicious light bites provided by the Coquerel Family Wine Estates and Proper Catering & Events. The Family Place CEO Paige Flink introduced this year’s luncheon co-chairs, Cindy Stager and Kristen Sanger, who welcomed Trailblazer Award recipient, Lynn McBee, and keynote speaker, Gretchen Carlson, to the soiree and expressed their gratitude to the sponsors for making the event possible. Domestic violence survivor and past client, Aliyah Miranda, shared her personal experience with suffering from domestic abuse and finding help through The Family Place. Today, Miranda is an active volunteer and advocate for The Family Place. The event came to a close with details on what to expect at the luncheon and a resounding “thank you” to this year’s luncheon sponsors and underwriters.


On Friday, October 6, luncheon attendees headed to the Hilton Anatole for the 22nd Annual Texas Trailblazers Awards Luncheon. The afternoon commenced with a VIP reception in the Peacock Ballroom where sponsors met with speaker Gretchen Carlson prior to the luncheon. Following the VIP reception, guests were seated in the Chantilly Ballroom in preparation for the afternoon’s festivities.


Co-Chairs Cindy Stager and Kristen Sanger welcomed the distinguished guests, followed by an invocation from Reverend Susan Robb, Executive Minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church. The Family Place CEO Paige Flink followed with the presentation of awards, recognizing Be Project Award Recipients Elizabeth Grandell and Lamisa Mustafa, Faith-Based Vision and Leadership Award Recipient Highland Park United Methodist Church, and Advocacy Award recipient TexProtects. Flink then presented the Texas Trailblazer Award to Lynn McBee, recognizing her for her incredible contributions and charitable work in the Dallas community. Guests were then invited to watch a video honoring McBee, with personal messages from fellow philanthropist, Ruth Altshuler, Lyda Hill and Sarah Losinger.

Following the awards ceremony, keynote speaker Gretchen Carlson, gave a powerful speech highlighting domestic violence and sexual assault in the workplace, while referencing her own personal experiences with sexual assault throughout her career. The event concluded with closing remarks and a thank you to all attendees from co-Chairs Cindy Stanger and Kristen Sanger.

Texas Trailblazer Luncheon Co-Chairs Cindy Stager and Kristen Sanger, and Underwriting Chairs Stephanie and Travis Hollman, Kristi Sherrill Hoyl, Carol Seay, and Lisa and Marvin Singleton mingled with Dallas’ most charitable patrons including Trailblazer Award recipient Lynn McBee and Allan McBee, Brenda and Clay Cockerell, Lisa Cooley, Ruth Altshuler, Ramona Jones, Billie Leigh Rippey, Bobbie Sue Williams, Nancy Gopez, Rhonda Sargent Chambers, Carol Seay, Leah Pasant The Honorable Anita Matinez, Amy Tuner, Maggie Cooke Kipp, Heather Randall, Kelly Perkins, Jane McGarry, Bobbie Sue Williams, and Jan Miller.


The Family Place is one of the first family violence service providers in the state with a mission to eliminate family violence through intervention and proactive prevention, extensive community education, and advocacy and assistance for victims and their families. The Family Place now provides the largest number of victim services for in the State of Texas. Since 1978, The Family Place has counseled more than 225,000 clients, provided lifesaving shelter to more than 22,000 women, children and men, and answered more than 550,000 calls for help. The Family Place has also helped more than 20,000 batterers learn how to change their abusive behavior. Its youth program, Be Project, reaches approximately 6,000 students each year through youth education programs. While The Family Place is already leading the community in providing Battering Intervention and Prevention services, it will also be the first to open a shelter dedicated to serving the growing need of our male clientele in 2016. All the programs are provided in Spanish and in English. For more information, visit


Photos by Sylvia Elzafon and Joseph Brewster.


Principal of Philanthropy Lifestyles (formerly, the award-winning eBuzzNewsletter and Adams Communications Public Relations, a boutique PR firm specializing in media and community relations for small businesses and nonprofit organizations. Sharon is also a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in Dallas Business Journal, Katy Trail Weekly, People Newspapers (Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People/North Dallas People), Preston Hollow Life magazine, The Park Cities News, White Rock Lake Weekly, numerous blogs and websites and more.