Sat. Oct. 13: Coffee With Hal presented by The Park Cities Historic and Preservation Society, Friends of Aldredge House and Institute of Classical Art and Architecture
Join in this very interesting and informative event on Saturday, October 13th, the popular “Coffee with Hal” lecture series on prominent 20th century architect Hal Thomson which will feature tours of two of the numerous Park Cities homes that he designed during his long architectural career in Dallas.
Guests will visit two homes, at 3925 Potomac Avenue and 3926 Potomac Avenue, then sit down for a talk by Dallas architect Wilson Fuqua about the influence of Thomson on the design of mansions here during the first half of the last century.
Paul Field, the owner of Lambert’s Landscape, will also discuss landscaping at the homes.
Tickets are $30 for members of the three host organizations and $35 for non-members. Check in & welcome reception will open at 9:30 am, with the program beginning at 10 a.m.
Please note, the street will be partially closed for this event. Look for the check in table between the two tour houses.
Park Cities Historic and Preservation Society’s mission, the central purpose and mission of the Society, is to preserve and promote the history, architecture, aesthetics and cultural traditions of the Park Cities, “Shaping the Future of Our Past.” PCHPS vision, the desired future vision for the Society, is to inspire passionate community support for the preservation of historic homes, buildings, parks, landmarks and traditions of the Park Cities.
Membership in PCHPS is open to the public and includes such benefits as educational meetings in private homes, opportunities to become involved in the Taste*Tour*Explore events each spring, including the Distinguished Speaker Luncheon happening on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, the Historic Home Tour on Saturday,
April 13, 2019 and the Classic and Antique Car Show, participate in the annual July 4th parade and more. Visit the website at for more information.
Friends of Aldredge House, a nonprofit organization, has focused goals to provide long-term financial security and ongoing preservation and operational support for Aldredge House as a historic house museum. In partnership with the Dallas County Medical Society Alliance Foundation, the home’s owners, we offer educational programs, tours and outreach to the entire community on the benefits of historic preservation, cultural traditions, architecture and the arts.
The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art Texas Chapter (ICAA Texas) was founded in 2006 and quickly developed into a growing community of architects, interior designers, landscape architects, artisans, contractors, vendors, artists, and patrons of classical architecture. The ICAA Texas Chapter is guided by a Board of Directors that receives support, new ideas, and energy from steering committees in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. The Texas Chapter’s John Staub Awards – celebrating architects, designers, and artisans whose projects work toward further building on the incredible legacy of Texas architect John Staub – are held on a biennial basis in the Fall, during which the statewide chapter membership convenes for a two day event.