Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer Guild Tea Hosted by Cindy Brinker Simmons
Connie Yates Announced as 2022 Chair
(Featured photo: Cindy Brinker Simmons, Founder, Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer; Aashik Khakoo, CEO; Regina Bruce.)*
Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer (WOKC) founder Cindy Brinker Simmons hosted a tea in her lovely North Dallas home honoring the WOKC Guild and gave insight into her founding WOKC, the future of the Guild and the opportunity to help with Warrior Baskets (Warriors are children with cancer) as gifts to these very special children.
“We are delighted to have so many Guild supporters join us today,” Cindy said as she briefly described how WOKC first began. “The life-changing experience of living alongside my mother, the great world tennis champion Maureen “Little Mo” Connolly, as she bravely struggled through cancer and watching it take her life at only 34 years old, truly did have a great impact on everything in my life.” Cindy’s mother passed when she was a child of only 12 years old.
Ann Whaley, Marilyn Ellis, Tammy Harkins Mary Dowling, Fran Cashen, Connie Yates, Guild President 2022
Then 40 years ago in 1981, Cindy chose pediatric cancer to be the recipient of WOKC’s funds because she cherishes the joy of children and recognized the devastation of a parent hearing the four haunting words, “Your child has cancer.” Cindy and all those associated with WOKC are relentless in their pursuit to eradicate this disease and to provide hope for mighty young heroes with cancer and their families.
Aashik Khakoo, CEO, WOKC, talked about the fundraising efforts happening today on behalf of Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer, especially emphasizing the virtual Warrior Basket Auction.
“We asked each Warrior what they would like to have in their basket of wishes, and with the help of their parents, they selected items that would bring them joy and comfort. We now offer you all an opportunity to select a Warrior’s wish list to fulfill,” Aashik said. “The items will be placed into beautifully decorated baskets featuring each Warrior’s portrait and brief bio. Our donors will bid for the chance to win and then present these young heroes with their basket of wishes.” The group quickly signed up to sponsor or underwrite many of the baskets, and support WOKC as the Dr. Delphinium Charity of the Month for September.
It was a heartwarming moment as Cindy then announced her dear friend, Connie Yates, as chair of the 2022 WOKC Guild. After a resounding round of applause, guests were also reminded that membership in the Guild is open to the community and encouraged those who were not already members to join now and bring in their friends to be a part of this dynamic group. The future is certainly bright!
Learn more about the Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer Guild on their website at www.wokc.org

About Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer (WOKC):
Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer (WOKC) is a Dallas-based nonprofit organization founded in 1980 by Cindy Brinker Simmons in memory of her mother, the late great tennis champion Maureen “Little Mo” Connolly Brinker, who died of cancer at age 34. For four decades, WOKC has been dedicated to eradicating childhood cancer by funding innovative research, education, and treatment. Find out more by siting the website at www.wokc.org
The mission of WOKC is to work relentlessly to see the day when cancer is no longer a threat to ANY child.
Additionally, WOKC has provided hope to children diagnosed with cancer and their families through multiple social engagement programs …”medicine for the soul” as parents have described. WOKC has funded $7 million in seed money for its novel research projects, which have received $22 million in additional grant money over these past 40 years.
CHILDHOOD CANCER REALITIES: Reported by the National Institutes of Health
* Cancer is the #1 cause of death by disease in children
* 43 children are diagnosed each day with cancer (1 every 30 minutes) in the U.S. 1 out of 8 children will not survive
* Nearly 60% of those who survive will have long-lasting chronic health conditions as adults
*Photos by Danny Campbell
(Charity Lifestyles Scene: Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations is honored to represent Wipe Out Kid’s Cancer.)