Spotlight Q & A with Marena and Roger Gault, Chairs, Zoo To Do
(Featured photo: Roger and Marena Gault, Zoo To Do Chairs.)*
Marena and Roger Gault are chairing Zoo To Do on Saturday, November 5, 2022 benefiting the Dallas Zoo. They are longtime business and community leaders whose involvements include major roles in many nonprofit organizations.
Zoo To Do honorary chairs are Kim and Greg Hext. Gregg Hudson is CEO of the Dallas Zoo. Zoo To Do is a major source of funding for the nonprofit Dallas Zoo. Proceeds from the event help support the Zoo’s dedication to providing the best animal care, delivering unique education offerings, and strengthening its wildlife conservation efforts.
Q: Tell us about the event. What can we expect?
A: Marena and Roger: Zoo To Do is a magical evening under the stars centered around the animals’ natural habitats. As opposed to the normal seated dinner format for a fundraising gala, Zoo To Do guests are strolling through the Zoo grounds eating fabulous bites from over 30 of North Texas’ best chefs and restaurants. Guests are even able to feed a giraffe, then bid on a silent auction item! Later in the evening, table hosts are able to join their guests for dessert while bidding on the most unique live auction items in town! Some of these items include exclusive behind the scenes Zoo experiences.
Q: How did you first become involved with this nonprofit. What compelled you to chair this event? Do you have a personal experience related to this nonprofit and its mission that compelled you to chair this event.
A: Marena and Roger: We have attended Zoo To Do for many years. We became more involved and interested after we were guests at a Glamping event at the Zoo which was purchased as an auction item at Zoo To Do. We also were the auction winners for a fabulous trip to see the cheetah reserve at the National Zoo in Washington DC, and another year the trip of a lifetime for a safari to South Africa. Both of these trips truly made us proud of what the Dallas Zoo is doing for animal wildlife habitats, research, and conservation.
List of other current philanthropic activities:
- Dallas Symphony Association Board of Governors
- League of American Orchestras Council Board Member
- AMSOV Board Member and Past President
- Center for Brain Health Board Member and Friends of Brain Health Co-Chair
- Women’s Council Board of Dallas Arboretum and Past President
- DSOL Board and Past President
- FBI Citizens Academy Graduate and Lifetime Member
- Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Brain Health
- Advisory Board of UTD
- Dallas Assembly member, and Past President
- Dallas Symphony Association Executive Board Member
- Past Board Chairman, Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Society
- FBI Citizens Academy Graduate and Lifetime Member
- Advisory Board Member, Perot Museum of Nature and Science
- Past Board Chair, Turtle Creek Conservancy

Zoo To Do Attire, Cost, Committees and Chairs:
Event Attire: Safari Chic
Sponsorship Levels: Range from $12,500 to $60,000
Underwriting Levels: Range from $7,500 to $100,000
Ticket Packages: VIP ticket – $1,500 per person
Individual ticket: $750 per person
Host Committee Chairs: Robyn and Chris Chauvin
VIP Chair: Sherwood Wagner
Advisory Committee: Diane Brierley, Cindy Gummer, Kim Hext
Underwriting Committee: Alex Arellano (Chair), Jake Bender, Diane Brierley, Ryan Gummer, Gail Plummer, Steven Roth
Live Auction Committee: Kari and Tim McDonald (Chairs), Barbara and Don Averitt, Lauralee and Robert Gunby, Dawn Moore, Venise Stuart, Aimee Williams-Ramey
Big Board Chair: Cindy Gummer
Silent Auction Committee: Robyn Chauvin (Co-chair), Chuck Steelman (Co-chair), Gabi Herrick, Kyleb Howell, William LeMasters, Niko Padilla, Jack Salisbury, Fabiola Sierra
Raffle Committee: Courtney and Andrew Nall (Chairs), Nick Adamson, Brandi and Rick Ellis, Christina Morris
Wine Guys: Greg Hext, Preston Hext, Matthew Meadows, Michael Meadows
Honorary Chef: Dan Landsberg
Chef Wrangler: Brett Kraftt
*(Photography by Gittings)
(Sharon Adams, Adams Communications Public Relations, is honored to represent Zoo To Do and post this Philanthropy Lifestyles Spotlight Q & A.)